

Web Application (and PWA) built avec Angular.

Tipz, is a web app which allows you to give tips with one click, without any cash ! 😍

Thanks to that, every waiters and waitress of bar registered in our system have the possibility to setup their profile in order to fill out their favorite mobile payments services (LyfPay, PayPal, & more) through which they wish to receive some tips 😊

For now, we handle LyfPay and Paypal. Tipz can be used either at, either directly from CircleBar !

The products CircleBar®, Tipz® & WhiteSquirrel consitute the IVO eco-system built by Primitivo®, powering up services for local bars & pubs 👍

  • Date

    12 Mar, 2019
  • Categories

  • Stack

    . Angular 8
    . AWS (Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, API Gateway)
    . Python
    . NodeJS
  • Project Link